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Last Updated on August 25, 2020 by Hold the Hairline Team

Many hair loss sufferers are on the hunt for natural remedies for hair loss. Can these home remedies prevent further hair loss and even regrow lost hair? We take a closer look at each of the most popular home remedies for hair loss. We evaluate their overall effectiveness, mechanism of action, and any social proof out there validating results.

Why Home Remedies for Hair Loss?

The main reason those enduring the condition of hair loss turn to natural options is safety. There are many people who try to stay away from drugs and chemicals that may come with unwanted side effects. Two of the most popular hair loss products Rogaine and Propecia have been shown to have risks. Heck, if you can make your own special potion that cures hair loss why bother with those right? When it comes down to it there is a balancing act between results and safety. The nice thing about Rogaine and Propecia is that they do work by blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and have been shown to do so in clinical studies. The bad? They may not work for everyone and some users get unwanted sides. Also, they cost a lot of money relative to herbs and supplements.

Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss

There are many natural hair loss remedies available. The problem is that many of them don’t have verified results. You have people claiming they slapped some Aloe Vera on their bald head and new hair shot up the next day. Then you find out that guy is working for a manufacturer of Aloe Vera gels and lotions. That’s a big problem. You have to sift through a lot of baloney before you land on something. Then that may or may not work for you. Since there’s not much evidence, you have to try it out yourself. Conduct your own trials and whatnot. That’s at least 6 months of time for a fair trial. And that’s 6 months of precious time lost to a receding hairline if it doesn’t work.

The good thing is that there are a few natural remedies for hair loss that come up again and again. We are talking about the saw palmettos of the world. Hair loss has been around for a great many years longer than the internet. So evidence slowly compiles and some natural hair loss treatments rise to the top. We will discuss the most popular home remedies and natural remedies for hair loss in-depth.

Do Natural Remedies Cure Hair Loss?

Types of Hair Loss - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Depends on the cause. Thyroid issues, menopause, scalp disorders, and vitamin deficiencies are all causes of hair loss. In these cases, certain oils and diet changes can cure your hair loss. If a medical condition is causing your hair loss, you’ll need to get it treated. If it is genetic hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) some herbs and supplements have been discovered to block DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

Stress-induced hair loss is another disorder entirely. Spikes in stress will increase your average daily hair loss count. Do Yoga and find ways to clear out that stress. Severe dieting or “crash” dieting can also cause a hormonal imbalance which in turn can lead to hair loss. Try a healthy diet instead and lose calories over a longer period of time. It is more sustainable and you’ll keep your hair. Select prescription drugs may also cause hair loss. This type of hair loss is reversible and the hair typically returns after treatment is finished.

Home Remedies for Hair Loss: Oils and DIY Formulas

Massage Oil into Hair - Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Some people are big DIYers and like to make stuff at home. We get that. You know exactly what you’re putting into your creations. You’re not getting 25 chemicals along with that 1 or 2 that you really want. As long as you have reliable suppliers for your ingredients your good to go. We wouldn’t encourage you to put much faith in these home remedies but you never know. Gram gram used [insert special formula here] on your grandpa and it helped him keep a full head of hair.

  1. Oil Massage. Regular head and scalp massage has been shown to have benefits for the hair. It increases and stimulates blood flow to the scalp. Blood carries nutrients, and that’s what your hair follicles need to keep growing strong. Regular scalp massage acts in a similar way as Rogaine. Rogaine is a vasodilator after all. Coconut oil, Argan oil, Aloe Vera oil are all good options for regular oil massage. The hard part is staying disciplined. At the very least, you’ll want to do an oil massage every other day for best results. You may want to try doing an oil massage after showering. The hair will be wet and the scalp will be ripe for the organic oil of your choice.
  2. Hot Oil Treatment. Want to step up that oil massage a notch? Do it with hot oil. Heat up your oil of choice, then massage it into your scalp. Put on a shower cap for an hour and relax. Enjoy the aromas and wonderful feeling. When the hour is up rinse and/or shampoo the oil out.
  3. Eggs. Yup eggs are good for everything. Including hair loss they say. They are rich in iron, protein, zinc, phosphorus, and other goodies. Mix the eggs until they are one solid and add some olive oil for good measure. It may not regrow your hair but afterward, you’ll have the shiny locks of a teenager.
  4. Aloe Vera. An alternative to organic oils is Aloe Vera. You can buy aloe oil or gel and massage it into the scalp much like doing an oil massage treatment. Aloe is rich in Vitamin E and will cure scalp conditions while reducing inflammation caused by hair loss.
  5. Argan Oil. Massage a few drops of this stuff into your scalp 2-3 times a week a reap the rewards. Argan oil is one of the most sought after organic oils for its healing and moisturizing properties. Argan oil cures scalp conditions too. Dry scalp, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, and common dandruff are all scalp conditions it will help remedy.
  6. Henna. Rangoli henna is a green powder with a talc texture. It seals the hair cuticle and strengthens the hair shaft at the root. Henna is big in Asian countries. It is a very popular Eastern hair treatment, regarded as a major source of hair strengthening. Some people create their own formula by boiling henna leaves and mixing with mustard oil. You can also purchase henna pastes and dyes. The interesting thing about Henna is that it acts as a chemical dye would. It strengthens and increases the diameter of each individual hair. This makes the hair appear fuller and thicker.
  7. Coconut Milk. An alternative to eggs, coconut milk is also rich in protein and essential fats. Rejuvenating the hair and scalp will reduce greying and thinning.
  8. Jojoba Oil. Despite having a funny name, Jojoba Oil is another great oil to use during massage treatment.

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss: Supplements and Vitamins

If you’re wanting to go the au naturel route you’ll want to hit hair loss with a multifaceted approach. Using some of the below options is a great start.

  1. Saw Palmetto. Affirmed as a treatment for BPH (enlarged prostate) in Europe, Saw Palmetto is one of the few proven natural DHT inhibitors. If you’re experiencing hair loss that is caused by your genetics, this is one of the best things you can do for your receding hair.
  2. Zinc and Biotin. If you are suffering hair loss caused by a vitamin B deficiency, biotin will do the trick. It is one of the essential building blocks of the skin and hair. Further, some metabolic disorders cause thinning or brittle hair and nails. Zinc will help restrengthen them to normal and healthy levels.
  3. Stinging Nettle and Pygeum Bark. These are the two big dogs in line after saw palmetto. Gobble down some of this stuff and watch your hairs re-thicken in seconds. Well, maybe not that fast. But taking these herbs over time will help block DHT and reduce hair loss.
  4. Vitamin A. This vitamin is an antioxidant and included in many hair loss shampoos. It promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp. You can also eat lots of sweet potatoes to get a rich dose of Vitamin A.
  5. B Vitamins. B vitamins will produce melanin. Melanin will make your hair healthy and it’s natural color. It also stimulates blood circulation.
  6. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is in almost every lotion on the market. Like B vitamins, it helps stimulate blood circulation making sure your follicles stay nutrient-packed.
  7. Omega-3.  Omega-3 fatty acids are just great all around for the body. We suggest taking this supplement in addition to a daily multivitamin its that good for you. This will make your hair shiny and vibrant.
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